숙 어1 토익 숙어 1 abide by 지키다,고수하다 We must always abIde by our promIses. 2 accede to (요구,제의,조건등에)동의,잔성하다 FInally he acceded to my suggestIons. 3 allow for 고려하다,참작하다 It Is necessary to allow for the unexpected. 4 blow out 꺼지다,펑크나다,(퓨즈 등이) 끊어지다 On our trIp to L.A our tIres blew out. 5 break down 효력을 잃다,고장나다 I don't know the reason why the car breaks down. 6 break in 침입하다 7 break up 중단하다,그치다.헤어지다 8 come up with 〜.. 2021. 4. 8. 이전 1 다음